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Tag: custom modular buildings

Getting What You Want: The Beauty of Modular Office Customization

Tired of looking for a nice modular building but only finding the same boring color schemes and floorplans? Rose can customize your modular office building from the ground up! A customized building provides an opportunity to attract new clients and the best employees, create your own unique office atmosphere, add your corporate color scheme and… Read more

Rev up Your Auto Dealership with a Modular Sales Center

You’ve loved cars since you were a little kid, watching your dad as he worked his car on weekends throughout your childhood. But now the time has come for you to build something of your own, and you’ve decided on creating a car dealership to help people find the vehicle of their dreams. If you… Read more

Down to Earth: Ground Level Entrances in Modular Construction

As we’ve touched on before, one of the many great benefits of using modular construction is the ability to customize your floor plan. However, this customization also extends to the outside of your building. The outside of your building is the first impression your customers or patients have of your business. Using a ground-level entrance… Read more

The 80/20 Hybrid Modular Building Process

We’ve all seen the typical construction site. It sits there for months on end, with progress slowly being made until it gets to the point where you may drive by it and say, “Would they hurry up and finish that thing already!” That’s where the 80/20 building process from Rose Offices not only benefits you,… Read more